Page:Tempest (1918) Yale.djvu/86

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The Tempest, V. i

Be measur'd, or confin'd.

Gon. Whether this be,
Or be not, I’ll not swear.

Pro. You do yet taste
Some subtleties o' the isle, that will not let you
Believe things certain—Welcome! my friends all:— 125
[Aside to Seb. and Ant.] But you, my brace of lords, were I so minded,
I here could pluck his highness' frown upon you,
And justify you traitors: at this time 128
I will tell no tales.

Seb. [Aside.] The devil speaks in him.

Pro. No.
For you, most wicked sir, whom to call brother
Would even infect my mouth, I do forgive
Thy rankest fault; all of them; and require 132
My dukedom of thee, which, perforce, I know,
Thou must restore.

Alon. If thou beest Prospero,
Give us particulars of thy preservation;
How thou hast met us here, who three hours since 136
Were wrack'd upon this shore; where I have lost,—
How sharp the point of this remembrance is!—
My dear son Ferdinand.

Pro. I am woe for 't, sir.

Alon. Irreparable is the loss, and patience
Says it is past her cure.

Pro. I rather think 141
You have not sought her help; of whose soft grace,
For the like loss I have her sovereign aid,
And rest myself content.

Alon. You the like loss! 144

124 subtleties: illusions
128 justify: prove