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TEN YEAKS LATER. 121 "1 will not conceal from your majesty," replied the comte, "that I am indeed come for that purpose." "That is well, then," said the king joyously. "It is not for myself, sire." "So much the worse; but at least, I will do for your protege what you refuse to permit me to do for you." "Your majesty encourages me. I have come to speak on behalf of the Vicomte de Brageloune." "It is the same as if you spoke on your own behalf, comte." "Not altogether so, sire. 1 am desirous of obtaining- from your majesty that which I cannot do for myself. The vicomte thinks of marrying." "He is still very young; but that does not matter. He is an eminently distinguished man. I will choose a wife for him." "He has already chosen one, sire, and only awaits your majesty's consent." "It is only a question, then, of signing the marriage con- tract?" Athos bowed. "Has he chosen a wife whose fortune and position accord with your own views?" Athos hesitated for a moment. "His affianced wife is of good birth, but has no fortune." "That is a misfortune which we can remedy." "You overwhelm me with gratitude, sire; but your majesty will permit me to offer a remark," "Do so, comte." "Your majesty seems to intimate an intention of giving a marriage portion to this young girl." "Certainly." "I should regret, sire, if the step I have taken toward your majesty should be attended by this result." "No false delicacy, comte. What is the bride's name?" "Mademoiselle la Baume le Blanc de la Valliere," said Athos coldly, "I seem to know that name," said the king, as if reflect- ing; "there was a Marquis de la Valliere." "Yes, sire; it is his daughter." "But he died, and his widow married again Monsieur de St. Remy, I think, steward of the dowager madame's house- hold." "Your majesty is correctly informed." "More than that, the youug lady has lately become one of the princess' maids of honor." Dumas — Vol. X.V. 6