Page:Ten Years Later.djvu/232

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"Well," replied the duke, somewhat calmed, "had this passion of Buckingham been remarked?"


"Very well. Do people say that Monsieur de Guiche's is remarked as much?"

"Pardon me, monseigneur; you are again mistaken; no one says that Monsieur de Guiche entertains anything of the sort."

"Very good."

"You see, monseigneur, that it would have been better, a hundred times better, to have left me in my retirement, than to have allowed you to conjure up, by the aid of any scruples I may have had, suspicions which madame will regard as crimes, and she will be right, too."

"What would you do?"

"Act reasonably."

"In what way?"

"I should not pay the slightest attention to the society of these new Epicurean philosophers; and, in that way, the rumors will cease."

"Well, I shall see; I shall think over it."

"Oh, you have time enough; the danger is not great; and then, besides, it is not a question either of danger or of passion. It all arose from a fear I had to see your friendship for me decrease. From the very moment you restore it me, with so kind an assurance of its existence, I have no longer any other idea in my head."

"The duke shook his head, as if he meant to say: "If you have no more ideas, I have though." It being now the dinner-hour, the prince sent to inform madame of it, who returned a message to the effect that. she could not be present, but would dine in her own apartment.

"That is not my fault," said the duke. "This morning, having taken them by surprise, in the midst of a musical party, I got jealous; and so they are in the sulks with me."

"We will dine alone," said the chevalier, with a sigh; "I regret De Guiche is not here."

"Oh! De Guiche will not remain long in the sulks; he is a very good-natured fellow."

"Monseigneur," said the chevalier suddenly, "an excellent idea has struck me, in our conversation just now. I may have exasperated your highness, and caused you some dissatisfaction. It is but fitting that I should be the mediator. I will go and look for the comte, and bring him back with me."