Page:Ten Years Later.djvu/309

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"That to-morrow every one will know that I have designs upon this little La Valliere; but be careful, St. Aignan, I have confided my secret to no one but you, and if any one should speak to me about it I shall know who has betrayed my secret."

"You are angry, sire."

"No; but you understand I do not wish to compromise the poor girl."

"Do not be afraid, sire."

"You promise me, then?"

"I give you my word of honor."

"Excellent," thought the king, laughing to himself; "now every one will know to-morrow that I have been running about after La Valliere to-night."

Then, endeavoring to see where he was, he said: "Why, we have lost ourselves."

"Not quite so bad as that, sire."

"Where does that gate lead to?"

"To the great Road Point, sire."

"Where we were going when we heard the sound of women's voices?"

"Yes, sire, and the termination of a conversation in which I had the honor of hearing my own name pronounced by the side of your majesty's."

"You return to that subject very frequently, St. Aignan."

"Your majesty will forgive me, but I am delighted to know that a women exists whose thoughts are occupied about me, without my knowledge, and without having done anything to deserve it. Your majesty cannot comprehend this satisfaction, for your rank and merit attract attention and compel regard."

"No, no, St. Aignan, believe me or not, as you like," said the king, leaning familiarly upon St. Aignan's arm, and taking the path which he thought would lead him to the chdteau; "but this candid confession, this perfectly disinterested preference of one who will, perhaps, never attract my attention — in one word, the mystery of this adventure excites me, and the truth is, that if I were not so taken with La Valliere ——"

"Do not let that interfere with your majesty's intentions; you have time enough before you."

"What do you mean?"

"La Valliere is said to be very strict in her ideas."

"You excite my curiosity, and I am anxious to find her again. Come, let us walk on."