Page:Ten Years Later.djvu/72

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62 TEN TEARS LATER. his tent. The barge bearing the princesses quitted the ad- miral's vessel at the very moment Buckingham had landed. It was followed by another boat filled with oflBcers, courtiers, and zealous friends. Great numbers of the inhabitants of Havre, having embarked in fishing-boats and boats of every description, set ofl: to meet the royal barge. The cannon from the forts fired salutes, which were returned by the flag-ship and the two other vessels, and the flashes from the open mouths of the cannon floated in white vapors over the waves, and then disaj)peared in the clear blue sky. The princess landed at the steps of the quay. Bands of gay music greeted her arrival, and accompanied her every step she took. During the time she was passing through the center of the town, and treading beneath her delicate feet the richest carpets and the gayest flowers, which had been strewn upon the ground, De Guiche and Raoul, escap- ing from their English friends, hurried through the town and hastened rapidly toward the place intended for the residence of madame. "Let us hurry forward," said Eaoulto De Guiche, "for, if I read Buckingham's character aright, he will create some disturbance when he learns the result of our deliberations yesterday." "Never fear," said De Guiche, "De "Wardes is there, who is determination itself, while Manicamp is the very personi- fication of gentleness." De Guiche was not, however, the less diligent on that ac- count, and five minutes afterward they were in sight of the Hotel de Ville. The first thing which struck them was the number of people assembled in front of the square. "Excellent!" said De Guiche; "our apartments, I see, are prepared." In fact, in front of the Hotel de Ville, upon the wide open space before it, eight tents had been raised, surmounted by the flags of France and England united. The hotel was surrounded by tents, as by a girdle of variegated colors; ten pages and a dozen mounted troopers, who had been given to the embassadors for an escort, mounted guard before the tents. It had a singularly curious effect, almost fairy-like in its appearance. These tents had been constructed dur- ing the night-time. Fitted up, within and without, with the richest materials that De Guiche had been able to pro- cure in Havre, they completely encircled the Hotel de Ville. The only jDassage which led to the steps of the hotel, and which was not inclosed by the silken barricade, was guarded