Page:Tennysoniana (1879).djvu/215

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"Alcibiades," the signature adopted by Tennyson in his contributions to "Punch," 101.
Alford, Henry, with Tennyson at Trinity, 32 note.
"Antony to Cleopatra," 8-10.
Ariosto, his "Orlando Furioso," quoted, 149.
Aytoun, William Edmondstoune, 98 note.

"Bon Gaultier Ballads," the, 98.

Boyd, A. K. H., on Tennyson's alterations of his text, 88; on the satire in "Punch," 101 note.
Brimley, George, on Tennyson's Stanzas in "The Tribute," 79 note.
Brookfield, William Henry, 32 note, Tennyson's memorial Sonnet to, 154.
Browning, Robert, his first published poem, 51; his startling rhymes, 153.
Bulwer. See Lytton.
Burke's "Landed Gentry," 2.
Byron, Lord, death of, 4.

Cameron, Julia Margaret, her photographs of Tennyson, 160.
Carlyle, Thomas, quotes from Tennyson's "Ulysses" in his "Past and Present," 87, 94; his opinion of Napoleon III., 112; his defence of Governor Eyre, 120; at John Forster's chambers, 161.
Catnllns, quoted, 146.
Canteretz, 168.
Cayley, George John, 102.
Charge of the Light Brigade, 115.
Clough, Arthur, hears Tennyson read the Idyll of Guinevere, 127 note; with Tennyson in the Pyrenees and at Canteretz, 167, 168.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, his opinion of Tennyson's early poems, 44; on Tennyson's metres, 151.
"Confessions of a Sensitive Mind," 28, 29 note.
Conybeare's "Anglo-Saxon Poetry," 105 note.
Cotton, Charles, his "Virgil Travesty," 99, 100.
Crashaw, 30 note.

Dallas, E. S., his "Gay Science," quoted, 149.
Dante, 23, 87, 164.
Denman, Lord, Farewell Lines to, erroneously attributed to Tennyson, 110 note.
D'Eyneourt family, Tennyson's descent from, 2.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 96, 112; on Tennyson's mastery of language, 151.
"Englishman's Magazine," the, 36, 37.
Eyre, Edward John, at the Louth grammar-school, 3 note; Tennyson's letter respecting him, 120.