Page:Tennysoniana (1879).djvu/228

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KERSHAW (S. W., Librarian of Lambeth Library?) The JA Art Treasures of Lambeth Library: a Description of the Illuminated MSS. and Illustrated Books, with Outline Illustrations from the most remarkable MSS. 8vo, uniform with Maitland's Catalogues of the Early Printed Books, only 225 copies printed, 14s

——— 4to size, on hand-made paper, plates on India paper, half Roxburghe morocco, only 25 copies printed, £2 12s 6d

LAMB (CHARLES AND MARY) Poetry for Children, Edited and Prefaced by R. H. SHEPHERD. 12mo, 106 pp. with woodcut initials, head, and tail-pieces, a pretty volume, 3s 6d

"These delightful poems for children, in spite of their extraordinary merit, and marked superiority to other productions of a similar class, seem altogether to have escaped the notices of modern readers, and even of those lovers of Lamb's genius who have during late years rescued from oblivion all the waifs and strays of which the authorship is traceable to him."

LENDRUM (REV. ALEXANDER) The Reformation and Deformation, their Principles and Results as Affecting Doctrine, Worship, and Discipline, a Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury. Thick 8vo, 15s

LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH) Early Poems now first collected and edited by R. H. SHEPHERD. 12mo, 3s

"Seldom, if ever, have verses fuller of rich promise or of actual fulfilment been composed by a boy of seventeen."—Examiner.

LOVE'S TRIUMPH: a Play, 12mo, 3s 6d

"A light dramatic five-act play, cast rather in the style of thought and expression which belong to the age succeeding that of Shakespeare. The author is evidently a man of poetic taste, as well as a great admirer of those golden days and golden writers, and tells his light and pleasant love-story in a quiet and simple fashion."—The Morning Herald.

LYRICS OF LIGHT AND LIFE.—Original Poems, by Dr. John Henry Newman, Alexander Lord Bishop of Derry, Miss Christiana G. Rossetti, Rev. Gerard Moultrie, Rev. J. S. B. Monsell, Rev. W. J. Blew, Aubrey de Vere, Rev. H. N. Oxenham, Rev. Ed. Caswall, &c., &c., edited by Dr. F. G. Lee. Second edition, revised and enlarged, handsomely printed with head and tail-pieces, fcap. 8vo, 6s

——— LARGE PAPER. Crown 8vo, printed on hand-made paper, only 24 so printed, £1 1s