Page:Tennysoniana (1879).djvu/231

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NEWMAN (DR. JOHN HENRY) An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine, new edition, revised by the author. Crown 8vo, 6s

——— Loss and Gain; the Story of a Convert, sixth edition, with a New Advertisement. Crown 8vo, pp. 442, 5s 6d

——— On Miracles. Two Essays on Scripture Miracles, and on Ecclesiastical. Crown 8vo, pp. 406, 6s

——— Tracts, Theological and Ecclesiastical, Crown 8vo, 8s

Containing: I. Dissertatiunculae. II. The Doctrinal Causes of Arianism. III. Apollonarianism. IV. St. Cyril's Formula, y. Ordo de Tempore. VI. On the various revisions of the Douay Versions of Scripture.

Several of the above have NEVER BEEN PREVIOUSLY PRINTED, others are from periodicals now inaccessible.

——— The Via Media of the Anglican Church. Vol. I. containing the whole of the "Lectures on the Prophetical Office of the Church Viewed Relatively to Romanism and Popular Protestantism," as published in 1837; with New Preface and Notes [1877]. Vol. II., containing Occasional Letters and Tracts written between 1830 and 1841. 2 vols, crown 8vo, 6s each

——— Idea of a University, Considered in Nine Discourses, Occasional Lectures, and Essays. Crown 8vo, uniform in cloth (double volume), 7s

NOWELL (T. W.) Sacrifice or no Sacrifice? John Wesley an Unconscious Romanist: Notes on a Suggested Alteration in the English Communion Office. 8vo, sewed, 2s

PANIZZI (ANTONIO) Chi Era. Francesco da Bologna? Seconda edizione con nuora appendice. 12mo, only 265 copies printed, with five facsimiles of the types used by Francesco da Bologna, 2s 6d

——— LARGE HAND-MADE PAPER, only 12 printed, 10s 6d

This essay is written to establish the identity of Francesco da Bologna, who designed and cut the Aldine cursive type, with the celebrated sculptor and artist Francesco Raibojini, usually called II Francia, the contemporary of Leonardo da Vinci, Rafaelle, and Michael Angelo.