Page:Tenting on the plains.djvu/11

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CONTENTS. PAGE Biographical Sketch of Major-General George A. Custer. 1-25 CHAPTER I. Good-by to the Army of the Potomac— Off for Texas —Twenty Minutes for Dinner— History of Eliza- Down the Mississippi— A Crevasse— General Custer Meeting Confederate General Hood 27-62 CHAPTER n. New Orleans after the War— General Winfield Scott— Up Red River— The Skill of the Pilots— Our Romantic Lover— At Alexandria— A Negro Prayer-Meeting— Confederate Forts— Quicksands— Alligator Hunting 63-92 CHAPTER III. Mutiny— Trial by Court Martial— A Military Execution —Marching Through Texas— Foraging for a Bed- Joy over a Pillow— Every Man has his Price— Four Months in a Wagon— Life Without a Looking-Glass 93-13° CHAPTER IV. Marches Through Pine Forests— Officers Attacked with Break-Bone Fever— Promises of Bold-Flowing Streams— Introduction to the Pine-Tree Rattle-Snake —Scorpions, Tarantulas, Centipedes, Chiggers and Seed-ticks— Crossing the Ponton—" I Went A- Fishing " ' 31-149