Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/108

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Terra-Ftius, his mailer, he was told by the do&or, That rather have ?d h? &?k, ? a:bed ?h awhore ?mt to h? s?i md t?t-? to ?1 for it. It is in every body's mouth, what this worth l gentleman fiid, when his mailer went out of ?ice-chancdlorJ?ip ; ? rej?'ee, fiid ?, that W?- Dr. Da, ?o?�s. of l?xeter, is a?o very famous fol his familiarity with his ?otmtm, whom he make? his confident. Once upon a time, the late bifhop of ' going to pay do&or .Dv. zBo, zs a -viiit, found him in his lodgings by a lettie ttarving fire, with a ruff figkt candle before him, �moaking a pipe cheek by joul with his man Taom?s. As loon as mlr lord came in, up leap'd the fallow in a gr?fi? hurry, and was going out of the room l but his mailer, Sit ,do'van T?oslxs, fit dou? and frnoM? your t?it?e out; kerr s no body but my lord biJ?. and he ?on't ta?e it amifi: Tuo?,?ss is a ?ery boaO, �ood-natu?d 1o?v. try lord, a?d ]braetimes I make him [it and frooak a ?ite ?ith me for ?om an?. Come, , , . . . ? . lord, ? tl drrak hu health, if you ?kajk With all my heart, fiid his Iordfl',ip, and t3 ie ?vvat round. Dr. F?.sy?s, late of lge?v. Co!lege, was anot?, ,of the? obliging co]ege noddks; but there is a good teafort to I? given ffr his dvility to his groom? for though he be never fo much a tani'?r?., as fa- ther wilh9?m calls him, yet nvo heads ar[-better than ?e all the world over. was man)' years dirdled, in all ki$ proce.?lings, blick aad private, by his ?atkr, who :s fake ex- ? i?, ?rtlakidge. peli'd