Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/115

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In E?/?]s? thin: Right ?vorfi?ilful N the pre?nt great and general eon?ffon, gratefful remembrance of your b?e?h&or Sir x?n Be?t revives my drooping fpirirs; for I hope. that whil? ilI.min&d men throw the trons of our Church into dungeons, I, who am a mi- nitier of it, may, by your firour, find refuge under King ?tfred's roof. How, alas? are the mo?ls of the Co?gv cbang'd? O?r widowed Ohur& now f:ntibly feels its lofsi our Faith laments the want o?' her Defender, and Reli?on, being overca? in a cloud of impiety, the fanatical uncleminers of creep out of their dens and caverns, and fir? of all oot their arrows aDin our univerfity: never. thdefs, if any one? ?igilance could have defended the ?cred cau? of learning, yours wout? c?tainly tare done it. ?ow ?oldly you eonfulted ?ts honour, whil? th 0 in authoriq thunder'd again? us, thi? unive?ty ?all wime? f? you; and the Most sos? gxlu?, whom you rometime re crea- ted, fixall, one time or oth=, reward yo? merito- rious eondu?. ?appy are they who have fuch an illu?rious ample before ,heir ey?] more ?ppy they, who by )'our precepts are tram? up to virtuel but moR happy ?ould I be, i[ you would e?eem me wo?th? to be chofen into the number of thole who tell forth your prai?s[ So gratefully will i acknow- ledge this obligation, th? I promire ro promote, as much as in me lies, the good of the college, and ?o 3e a thorough.?a?ed ?onform? to your ray a?io;Is, I woOiful four ?or?ip'? ? bu?ble ?etitloner;