Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/136

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xoo Terra. Filius. � charge, it is no woMer that there is fo much fraud, corruption, breach of truff, and eonter?pt of oaths as is at?ffent, and has. been of late years, too vitibl L .common among{? usl for when:once this 'great bar-. -ri& is byeken throug.h (and .what can tend more to' it, than ft?ch pra&ices m t?e publick �chools of the na- tion?)humanf valery has nothing to maintain itfelf, but arms force, and the au.thofity of arbitra? legions. . The. 'lafi of there letters I PUblifh beeau{? k men- ttom two ?--ti?s, which I took notice of in my mmr? u! m r?ricul?io? viz. I. That many, I might?fiy, that molt gentleroes �re trot appri?'d, at tl?. time wlz-n .they. f. ubfiril?/the

  1. ldr.?.-nine artide?, thiit they do fu}fctb; them; of

which I have had feveral perfoml initraces amongfl: my acq?tanee. And, . . a That the oath of allegtnnce to King ?$ often e?Mtdi or ?nt, at leal], o?n evtuIecl five or fix years ago. ! conf? an ?s letter is not a voucher of' the truth of any fa&, and? therefo?,?'i/. do or disi?gve it, as he thinks that I can afttin: him is, that it is a gt#u/ne-Je.?.?er, and ? to my handsinit as I publilh it. B?-?'ttigl. ?j?. which couiif?s of ?rgsonmt upon the l?ra?lice of the uuiverfity, is not liala!? t? th? I wtql ?1o�e my obfervafions utam th?-fulf'.;e&?. in {i me future ?, with giving the t?? a 9, of ottr tlnlv? ttatutea? ?l'O?-wl:iich -hi will,

red how rar?imt/0ufiy_they obferve them, ...He

fee whetlser, in a word, P�ajuRz is nat the f?u?, s?msg?d. dds confluence of m?ritsiJsthm ? ".or (to ? a cant term into plain-.l?ng///h).w. hether ever/?t do?$ uotfu&#/? ruth/o/t -, -