Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/166

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Terra-Filis. out of the tavern window, againtt xqverat worthy _lX?ns, who m the ?1t frien,ls .to th, Church aug }t? icing; by this means, provoking the beholders to return them the ?me abufesi from whence follow- ed a &tellaNe breach of the peace. . IV. For refufmg to go home to his college a?ter mine a. clock at night, thOUgbhy he was more than once commanded to do it, the ?unior Pro??or, who came thither to quell the riot. catcheel V. For being at the fame phce again by the senior I�ot?or, and pretending, as he was admo- tfifhecl by him, to go homei but with a defign to come and drink again. L E T Mr. ?,t'ta?brocourt of Met. ton-Got!cue be kept back from the degree which he fland? for next, for the/'pace of two years ; nor he admitted tofup- igicate .{br his grace, until he conf?ffes his mani- fold crimes, and asks pardon upon his knees, VI. Not only for being an accomplice wit!? Mr. Cany in all his faults, (off rather crir?es) but alfo, VII. For being not only a companion, but like- ? a remarkable a?ettor of certain o?cers, who ran up and down the l?igb-fireet with their fword? dra=n, to the great terror of the to?nfmen and i?holars. ' Vlll. }'or breakt'?g out to that d?gree ofimI?ude#ce, (when the Prottor admonifhed him -to go home from the tavern at an unfeafonable hour) as to corn- maud all the ,company, with a 1oucl voice, to drinl? ?g G�ou?u? health. Job. W,, Proe. Jun. Of all the? pompons articles, Mr. Mtado?co#rt mvns himfelf guilty onll of the luff, wiz. What ?as caught out of_his college at at? unfiatutat}!e hour, (for which !ae laid forty jbilltog?, which i? the