Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/194

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N ? xxlrII. bandrome, anti enough to vex any author aliv�i but, tbr God's ,fake, let the/addle be laid ul?on the right borj$i don r let me fuffer for Cato's offenccsi fince from my fitting forth in the world, in this pub- lick manner, I have been very careful not to' in- crouch ulmn the p?ivileges or rerogatives of any my fdto?-d?bblers in ink i and can fifdy fly, that, in the courfe oralmolt thirty papers, I have not had, at molt, above nine andt?ent) throws upon the court, which is fuch a trifle, as. was never den?y?l to any ?uthor wl?ffoever, to g?ve a fpirit to his writings, and promote their j?le. I will venture to appeal to your fell, whether, in your opinion, I have not flu& dole to my .fu. bjeEt, and kept up to the d?gn ot my paper, wNch was, you know, to make the univer/Mes look as black as I tan; (with truth and juflice I mean.) And why you thould fo highly relent my doing this, (fince do not injure you, nor pretend to interfere with you? in blackening ano?erpt of,ne?) feems to me verg furprizing and unaccountable. You know, molt learned driflarebu$, that there is not a penny to be got, in our way, by vicks or vinjications of any fort of men in for which teafort it is, that mo? of Our weekly, Ibalf-weekl, and o,her our eriodieal productions, conill'[ chiefly of fatire, [ar?afm, aria rebtdees to our ' Flattery is a fulfome, oftenfive thin to j'_u,ort. the multitude, our iMu,'gent readers; and' e�pecl'?ll?y fi?ttery of dre?'t men, whom they are taught, from' their c?adJe. always to �ufpec"t of?oguery and evil de- fignsi it is this c,.'rious, p?ing humour, and this. j?cu? perfuafion of the popu]aco, to whicll we are all ooag d for our far-,?,ead fa;?,e, and our full liea ? ? ou and your haughty rival, t.h? London-Seo#r- nat, furn'? them ?ith ?otitkvl diet, .for which they rewa d you very welli the Indq?endent Wb;g �ubo tilted u?n the courtfly of hia scadexs, in b�Iiev!ng-