Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/229

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erra.Filius. N O XXXli!, conduce to this. Whenever you appearbefore them, conduc2 yourfdves ?ith all �pecious humilityand de. raurenefii convince them ot' the great veneration you have for thdr perfons, by (peaking very 1ova, and bo?iag to the ground at ever) ?rord ? wherever you meet them, jump out of the way with your cap? in your hands, and give them .the'whole ttreet ,o walk in, let it be as broad as xt will. Always j?em afraid to look them in the face, and make them believe that their prefence 1trikes you with a fort of awe and confufion: but, above all, be very conltant at C,^Prr. i never think that you los? too much time at Prayers, or that you negle?2 your fludies too much. whillt you are lhewing your refpect to the thurch. I bye heard indeed that a former Puzm?r./?v of St. )eoL?'s college, (a whimfical, irreligiou? old .fel- low,) would frequently jou his ?udent? for going conltantly three or .i?ur times a day to cha[?d, and lingering away their time, anti robbing their parents, under a pretence of f?rving God ? But as this is the only inflance I ever met with of fuch an Hzt?u? it cannot overthrow a general rule. maticks, ethick,, h?oq, and fuch-?ke la- udiea? but read the lathes, the ?tho&x Favazus I mean, (for eyre rome of the Fa?eus have ?mhentieks,) md learn from thole primitive old g?tleme? what a pack of a?s and blockheads TILLOT80e, ano Buu- ?zv, a?d Hoan?v, and F?te?wooo, and the re? of c? modern upflarts =e, w? compared with ?e ?nt Lum?au?es of thole antirot times. ?notker thing very proper in order to grow the fivourites of y?r H?aus, is fir? o[ a? to?ake your ?elves the ?vourites of theD FoovMr.?, conc?nin? whole di?i? and gran?ur I ?ve ;pokm N ? foF. met l?aFer.