Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/232

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N O xxxxz. 'erre-Filu. ed unable to recover themfelvesout of their incurn.; brances, fo as to puriue their fludies again with cheerful heart, and without interruption? It is a merry laying, which they haveat OxvoaD; when any tradefreon is grown rich. by truf?ing the fcholars, that his F?uTa has made him vohde. But I have one yeafort in particular for e?utioning you againft this pra&ice; for, if it thould be your misfortune to become obnoxious to theg0v?rni?g part of the univerfity, or of your own colleges, and they' flmuld find out, that you are involved in deb. t ? to ?et rid of your troubkfome company, they w:11 hal.

oo your creditors upon you, and either force you

to abandon the univerfity, or to change your college for a gaol, confinin you to rigorous g more

vdL, and to fl2orter commons.

Such thin� aff'ure ou, m lads, as ill-natured ?, Y as they maylevin, have been 7one? and (as anobl? Lord ?aid) what ha: been, you know, may be, My Wnoz.?. Ax)wcv., in a few words, is thi?: Let your own interea, abflra&ed from any whim.? �caI notion} of confcience, honour, honefly. or juflice, be your grade; conCult always the. ptefent humour of the pl?-ce, and comply with it; make your felveu popular and beloved at any ratel rant, roar, rail drink, wh--e, pray, fwear, unf?ear, for{'wear? do any t.hing, do every thing that you find obliging; do nothing that is otherwife; nor let any fierations of right and ?rong flatter you out thole �ourfe?, which you find molt for your advan- tage. I have onl?y to add, that if you follow this ad- vice, you will fpend your days there not only in. peace and plenty, but with applaufe and reputation. i} you have any licret good qualities, they will be pointed out in the mol? glaring light, and aggra- vated in the molt �xquifit� manncri if you-fi?ve