Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/238

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N �ix/. Terre. Filius. had of marrying a rich Wmow, who�e name I have quite forgot. Then we went back to fee the L x u u a u v; but as we ?re going through the old ffuadrangle, my ?iend pointed up to the turret over the gate, and told me that there the co?egeflo?k_was kept ag?n? any loWes which jt might fu?n i but it is generally fuf?e?ed. that if any occafion ?ould oblige them to open the Cuzsz (ofwhich the ?urfar and fever? other? have a key) the rims depofited there would fill very ?ort of what tome perfonsfuppofe to be there. On &.e top of this turret there is a little hole thro' the battlemints, ,,,hich, it is fiid, on? of cannon-?ot made, when he befieged Ox?rd. The LIbRaRY Of St. ]?hn s Co?eg? ls looked u?- ?n as one of th? gr?e?curi?ties in the univerfit?, and alwa[s ?ewed to firangers as fuch; it is composed of two long rooms, which are called the inner and outer libraries; the Iatter of which is filled with a gr?eat coll?ection of v?aluable books, particularly, the works of antient? writers, such as fathers, commen- tators, ?casuists, school-divines, controvert?ists, meta?physicians, and mytholog?ists, besides other less consideta- ble authors, as wits, ?poets, and hi?storians, who st?and at the upper end of the room, in a class by themselve?s, which is called the LING'RING CLASS; among?st which (having the curiosity to take down several of these trifling volumes) I found the bish?op of ?Peterborough's hi?story of Engl?and, with a most? impudent insult upon the learned author, writt?en upon a blank leaf at the beginning of the first? volume, an?d continued there for several years, which, out of regard to the president and fellows of that college, who permitted it to stand there, I will not transmit to poster?ity. We then went into the inner? room, which is famous for the m?anuscripts, archives, and curiou?s trinkets