Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/293

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76 err,e.F)lius. ?o XLIIio The ?ruth of it is, this method promotes the caufe of Hx?u-Cuvaca, and is e?a&ly a?eeabte to ecd?aflical proceedings in all countries. It is atfo of no fmall moment to High-Ohurd:, that all the places of trut3, honour, and profit it. the univerfity ate armexed to that party i lc&ures, profefforfhips, and other valuable.fine.cures, never fall to win the hearts of thole, who love plenty and ;dienelL The V--C , 's court is likewife of inettimab;: benefit to the fame cauj?i it was at firit granted to the univerfity for the ad?ranta e of the church, g

and has prov'd ever fince a conRant friend to it5 up.-

lefs for rome time under Oliver Crom,a'ell, who pre3? it into the fervice of Round-heads and Fansinks; but king fore againtt the grain, it took the firIt op- .portunity to de�ert them, and has claw'd them off ?ror it ever fincei it never fpares a whig or a presO- terian, when it gets them into its clutches5 but gripes them to death, or kicks them out of it,: tenitories. Upon a publick night, jult after king came into z?g!and? �ome ?ohigs in Ox?oun ordc?d a bonefire to be made before a tavern door, and windows to be illuminated, defigning to be nnd merry; but iramedia:ely a great mob of fcho- hrs and others came hollowing and roaring ki?,g ?s ?'or ever, down with the Usuu?,?u; they tied all the fagots away, broke the windows, committed teveral other outrages; whereupon the whigs, whofe names could be learnt, were ci:c.d into the vice-chancellor's court, and fi?,ea for com?r,.?t - ting a riot; it be:ng alledged. that ?if the), b,;a been there, or made a bonefire, there ?:ould .been 1?o riot; upon which an ingenious gent]crash told them, in a fpeech upon this occalion, that a man was riding ozer Hounflow-Heath ?as robb'di from ?hen�:, fiid he, I vodl ar.? tb,?t