Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/323

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Teme-FiIhg. army, (which if a foul of them had rcfugd to have ti?t his hand t% he had keen ttrangled on the fpot: upon this forty proof of' his innocence, ! fly) that fcol his mailer forgives him, embraces him hearti!y, and 1truts off the ltage with this prepolterous rant,

Whi/. P rrhus ?ines in arms,

, wide domiuionJ ?all the world o er-run, ?d my ?ale Cret&nt brighten to a Sun. Fain would I be inform'd by anymuffulman alive ,'except the mu{}i, whole word I won't take for a [:rat5 tin'thing} whether this be really their Iogick in the feragao. Th?s General of mine, quoth the ful- tap., could not five me a tingle town i ergo, he'll be fare to conquer me the whole world. He is not to ?e.?t a Rogue as he was reprefented to bej ergo, 11 make me a great, great Emperor. My wide dominions ]hall the =orld o'er. run, ?nd my Faie crefcent brighten to a �un. To underil-.,.nd this un in heroicks, (for Bays himfeLl never made a better) you muff call to mind that a balf-moo?J is the Turki.3 arms. hay carry that along w?th you, and let us lay the fcene in Irelsnd; which5 you know, keats for arm? an harp. Suppole then that Rod?rirk O-conner, or any other of its petty l?rinc% hrd once upon a time made himfell ?afler of the whole idarid. Shortly after the ?gli]h in. vade it, overthrow his genera131ac-�helim, and force thisttibendan monarch to keep his court knee deep in a bog. Thither goesblae-Phelim, findshis prince a liule ,4it?mnt!t.d, and in order to pacif? him, peals to his own officers whether he had been gui:ty tf the teatt mircarriage. By my oul, no! fwears his lieutenant. I am glad on't with all my heart, ,r?'ies hi?.ma?e.? i �o they buff, and are friends, and then