Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/343

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Terr, e-Filius. No Mr. $t?rlack, A. B. fellow of %fu$ College ?.? a member of ?e c?fiit?ti? club ? ?-,? ,? ?; . ?f?ac'd, aM forbid to progod in ?foyming his e?erd?) for menhoning the word thmati?: he was gterwards deni? his grn% and withbald kom his degree this ? t?t wntfin'd ?nflitution. dub. . N. B. When Mr.$c?rlack waited upon Mr, the good, charitable, pro&or him, that he wonder'd Mr. $curlo?k?outd dare to di�pleafe him, when it was well known teat he had an utter averflor: to every mernbcz of the cmflit,tion. du& Mr.' Ztv.?l, A. B. �ello?r of Menca College, and a member of the was withheld frm his de?ee till the end o} this ?or re?ng to riga a Dp= t?t ?ntaia'd ohs on the con?imtion.?&& Mr. Cow er, A. B. fellow of Metton Cd/ege, and member ?of was the confiitution-dub denied his grace (as it's believed) by Mr. ?*. Mr. ?eare,oft, A. B. fellow of .?lertca Cdle26 ?d a member of the co?flitutio?.club was denied ?is grace. To the pntiih and glory of this Pro&or it mut? be own'd, that there wholfome feveritieg were fuc- cefsfully applied, and karl a molt happy effe.&;' for though they had not force enough to prevail on the tcafiit#t?catrs to clilTolve their fociety, yet they cf- fex?ally detcrr'd all l?r�ons under the degree of ?. M. from becoming members of it. It happened too?