Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/357

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o APPENDIX. an heap of fleming prejredices, and rnani?fl bhtnders, as muft proceed, either fg;om a fttong inclination to ?erverting the trs?th, o.r-ffrrom the groffeft tgnoran'ce of the fub?ecet ?n hand! You mu?, therefore, now fuffer me to this matter a litde with you? (as you have vo2th Mr. ?wk$ * ) and to ask you, how you couid do fo u?L.h:d and unchriflian a thing, to brood over relentmerits (fo wrongly conceived) for three years together. and fit down, in fo deliberate a manner, in order to fend them forth into the world, as they now appear, with all that fl?e? of argument, ?ornp o! words, with whichyou hope to obtain dit amongt? the vulgar and ignorant? How cou!d it enter into' the heart of fo ?iota and conj?ientiom a man, to ,,.,,rite fo elaborate a performance, without any jutt reafon. ?gainlt a Gentleman,who had l?�ca an Ornament to your H.?ll, and for whom you formerly exprefl?d �o ?eat an efttern ? And tl?i.?, withcut fo much as giving him an opportunity, m a trivate manner, to juffify. his conduc"t, or ?!.?rdon, and make you reparation. Could nothi?,g hti?fy the violen�fiand it:npetuofity of )'our but ex t?n his name in timoff every a e of a . po g pg '/urge book, with you? own hard comments and un'ufi ob/?rvations? ?if you fly that yo?s did ap?ly to the Provot? Oriel College, before you begun to write your book ? yet was that fufficient for a jufi and good man to do? why was not Mr. Bowles, who makesfo cou- �picuous a figure in it, ap. plkd to, as well' as the Pro. vq,//t was he, all on a l?t?dden, grown fo inconfi, ler,?- ?le in your eyes, as not to dellrye the teal? notice or regard, even wac, en hJ?s Reputation was to be put at flake? why ought not He tikcwit;? to have heard