Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/365

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$ APPENDIX. ing fuch a re4]?nable ptn$lty as thejIatate? at pre/?nt exa& to prev?t others flora w?derMg from one college to another, only out of ?$ntonn?, idien?, or m?ntmtnt. Thi? f?mz to me the mor? ?afonable, fince you ?!1 us t?t fiv?al O?eges m?e ?e of?icitationt, imprtuniq? acho?kdgtm$ts, and entertainments, to obtain pu?&; for if any ?11eges aoop to ;uch me? artifices to ?,t fi?lars, I am druid tht they wi? ?ndefcmd to a? m?arranta3le praSice? to &- t?in them. Nay, as go? an opinion as I have of your ?g ?et in the care of Mr. Bo?le:, (whatever Mr. Se$m?'s might be) you was undoubtedly too f?cre; for if hi? rta?m for lmving your ?a? were ?ble ?t g?8, it is im that thee eve ?ould k ? g?re?fonf? do?g. Nay, I think you was alfo a little t? f?upu?ut in the m? of Mr. ?k?h Soma- tier, (?lkd in yo? Mok, ?qeph ?omafier,). whofe

?on? for deftring a ?efft were aa follows,

I. That in Balid Co!kge, he had the promite ;of Tutor for nothing. .II. That he could live &tal?r there. IlL That a $eh#larl?ip of that houfe wot?Id be gi- ven to him loon after Ns admitlion. You have, indeed, with your uf'ual exae'tnefs, con- fidered there realohs; but you do not kern to have invflidated any of them, unIeti it be the i?cend, re- hting to the Chea?t/3 of/-/art..r-/4i?; upon which occafion you have given us, from your Buttery. Book,

rid other valuable .e/rchivts, a very elaborate rep:e-

fenration of your ?eonomy and r?gul?r manner life. But the othgr two realohs remain in their full flxength; and I wonder how you could make any demur to figning his For the?-reatbns I am againIt enforcing the tute ?ith any larger penalty, elpecially one./? largt