Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/378

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APPENDIX. ?ofi of Oriel in his royal ftile; * "Whether of the "two. he will rather difcoura?e a deputy, hisrub- "jec%'in the breach of his truK'? or a Governor, hi: ,, .d//y, in the execution of his duty ? ' However? you give us to underfland, in the ?- quel of your book, that you have happily difeove- red. this wicked Conl?iracy againft your tiered per{on and government l that you have, at l?.ngth, fuppref: fed this dangerous Robelton ?n your dominions, anc? once more eaablifl?cd your t?If upon the throne of Hart-Hall. I joyfully congratulate your majefiy up- on this occafion ? hoping that n?ne of your fubj.??s will atte. mpt to dilturb yo.ur Reign any more ? but join, wnh a loud voice, m crying, long live Dr. N�wzo?, Mo?,?ucu of HART-HaLL] It is not in ff?e leaft to be wonder'd at, that one who had thus f!rongly imagiu'd himt?lf into the po?ffion of aj?vereign diadem, fhould take it �o hci- noufly ill of any anti. monarchical perfon$ to degrade him into a aommon Inn.keeper. I mo? humbly intreat your m. ajefiy's gracious pardon for having pre�um'd to l?tee into this notion my felfi b? a? ?very man ha? a right to explain his own meaning; .I beg leave to reconcile my af{'ertion, of your be-

ng an Inn. keeper, with your. majef?y'$ firenuous

elsira to royal power, in th?s manner, �ai?;. I ac- knowledge that you are an undoubted monarch within your own wall?, under the prote&ion of Exeter college? that you enjoy great prerogatives in your l?uttery, are upreme moderator in pel; and pot?e?s an ) ;;bj$1ute authority yourOhs- over the Kitchen. I am heartily eoncerne?l that any of your ? Mllies. the Governors of colleg?$ and halls, fhould fo t?x neg- le& Page r? l?ou? b?ok? l?age 45-