Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/383

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i66 APPENDIX. "For tho�e fi?e ?ughs could not have been fo beau- "tffully formed, if they had not bee.n * obedient "to the bmder's well, and �uffered with patiencc "the amputation of every luxuriant and fuper. "fluous branch, in confidenc? that all this art and "care, and feeming feverity of the pruner, would "contribute to the improvement, and to the "tafton of the ldants." But to return: 'ou go on to chilire your .'her Heads in this oblique manner: --?. * ,c It is �' the duty of Governors and Tutors to take care "that they (the flatutes and r?le$ of every locicry) "be neither ?artially exeueted by themfelm? nor "dif?uted or eluded by others." We come now to another paffige, where, upon fuppofition of this flatute's being eluded, (as you vretend to prove it is,) you launch out, even with- out you ?fua? forthings, in this extraordinary man- her: ? ---- ? Every Order, either ot the Gover- "nor or Tutor, however agreeable to the intention "of the ttatutes, or �uppofecl to be necetliry ?rom "the very nature of education, would ,be cavilled �' at, dilputed, negligently obferved, or difobey'd at "pleafure? every Exereitq, a flight, deferire, per- "funflrory, formal performance; the general stud?, "wifimut method or &riga, defultory, fruitle�d ? "the tz?rtirular Leaare, not before perufed, not at- "tended to, nor afterwards conlidered, nor digefled, "nor remember'd ? the Dif?utations, a ?mp!e [trmg "of five or fix fyllogifms, writ down in a fcrip of "pal:?. 5 div.?e fervtce, a dropping of the fociety in- "to the Chapel, one after another, from the begin- ', ning of the prayers to the end, molt- oftenfive to �' God and mm i the ?vhok Converfation fo free from "