Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/401

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INDEX. Ca?mbddge, its di�pute with Oxford, about Feee. dense I. 40 itsgenealogyandfevetalnames, I. 4z the time negle? of fiatutes there, II. 1 o4? Ca?taber, a SI?$nifb rebel, founder of Cambridge, I. 4I C?rter (Dr.) abufed by Dr. Newton, It. rael ? &c. Cartey (Mr). put into the Black Book, and for what, I[. xx? Cheer (b?op of) upbrai& the univerfity ?r not r?din I ?p, I. ? ; how anfw? d by Dr. ?ougb, i$. Gbonk? Feei?nm (a Mo? fo ?11cd,) tome ob?r- vau?s upon ?t, I. ? z G?ig , ?e ?nt of it at o ord, . . C??n (h?, N?ory) the money got by itsimpref- Clodins ($nal?fim, an old Sabine farmer, !. y? CdleRen (Academical) dercrib'd, d: 6 9 fion embezzled, I. xS. how excufed, I? ?o his Finting.b?ufi, tome account f it, i, Ill ef.a7 at oxford, its definition, lb. �?m?m?nt?, a difl'ertatioa upon them., II. 78. Ora?#rd?n (Grand) the fiatme conc?nin? them ought to be amended? �[. ?8? whom it becomes, I. ? oz Confiitution. the intention of endowing them, II. realohs for leaving one, and going to fi?fi. the mof[ uncommon thing in tte world