Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/411

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INDEX. Ozfird, its behaviour to firangers, !I. for what to be commended, Oxfird lefts, a fupplement to that book, II. P# (Dr.) his refpeOc for his ?#tler? I. 7?2 ?anegyrieles of great me? ??ar, I. ?y? method of tom?lim?t?g, II. 79 ?etbm? (?.) compued ?th Dr. D--l--he. a full account of it.

PoliticIts. Terra-?'ilius's advice upon it,
Popery, how maintained inl?ngland,

Vofiing at Ox?rd, what, II. I'trjury, unavoidable at Oxfird, . I. the guilt of it transferred by hgh-dmreb priefis to the im_poj?rs o7 the oath, I. 1 the impolition oftequry at ox.{brd farther proved, I. 94. Philatethes, his letter to Terra-l?i!ius, I. 98

Phil?j3?hy, its bufindsto enquire after truth, I,

l'hiio]bp,Si?al Popery at Ox?rd, I. Hura&ies, ?ndemncd by Dr. Neboton, II. l'oetical Club at Oxford, an account of it. I. rome of thear produS?ons., I. l?etry (l'rofe?r of) rome account of hm, I. preaches a treafonable fermon, I. II. II. 7 �retedence, great dif?utes about it between Oxford and Gainbridge, 3'refdrm (of St. 7ohn', Co//ege) affronted bylgne?o9f ' my predeceffors, I. ?indicated, I. (the liberty of) afterted. II.