Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/99

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Then a beadle was diſpatch'd for Mr. Numps, who appeared, and being rebuked by the committee, acknowledg'd his fault full of ſorrow and contrition, and humbly ask'd pardon for the ſame; which, without much oppoſition, was granted; and he was thereupon diſmiſs'd; as was likewiſe this high and mighty aſſembly.

It is ſaid that Mr. Numps, who is ſince enter'd into holy orders, lives ſomewhere about town, and in an excellent preacher——of Dean Young's ſermons.

Terræ-Filius. No. XII.

Veluti in ſpeculum.

Saturday, February 25.

ONE of my ocrreſpondents calls the Sculls of Colleges the Directors of the univerſity; and I have my ſelf, more than once, made uſe of that alluſion already; I am ſorry that the iniquity of the times will allow me to draw the parallel ſo cloſe as I think I can do in this paper. Let us try the Experiment.