Page:Tetrachordon - Milton (1645).djvu/39

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thence, and altogether depends theron, is manifestly brought in by this connexive particle Therfore; and branches it self into a double consequence; First individual Society, therfore shall a man leav father and mother: Secondly, conjugal benevolence, and they shall bee one flesh. Which, as was shewn, is not without cause heer mention'd, to prevent and to abolish the suspect of pollution in that natural and undefiled act. These consequences therfore cannot either in Religion, Law, or Reason bee bound, and posted upon Mankind to his sorrow and misery, but receiv what force they have from the meetnes of help and solace, which is the formal cause and end of that definition that sustains them. And although it be not for the Majesty of Scripture to humble her self in artificial theorems, and definitions, and Corollaries, like a professor in the Schools, but looks to be analys'd, and interpreted by the logical industry of her Disciples and followers, and to bee reduc't by them as oft as need is, into those Sciential rules, which are the implements of instruction; yet Moses, as if foreseeing the miserable work that mans ignorance and pusillanimity would make in this matrimonious busines, and endevouring his utmost to prevent it, condescends in this place to such a methodical and School-like way of defining, and consequencing, as in no place of the whole Law more.

Thus wee have seen, and if wee be not contentious, may know what was Mariage in the beginning, to which in the Gospel wee are referr'd; and what from hence to judge of nullity, or divorce, Heer I esteem the work don; in this field the controversie decided; but because other places of Scripture seem to look aversly upon this our decision, although indeed they keep all harmony with it, and because it is a better work to reconcile the seeming diversities of Scripture, then the reall dissentions of neerest friends, I shall assay in three following Discourses to perform that Office.

Deut. 24. 1, 2.

I. When a man hath taken a Wife, and married her, and it come to pass that she find no favour in his eyes, because he hath found som uncleannes in her, then let him write her a bill of divorcement, and give it in her hand, and send her out of his house.

2 And