Page:Tex; a chapter in the life of Alexander Teixeira de Mattos (IA texchapterinlife00mcke).pdf/101

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& Co. to reject? Was it Treasure Island or something quite different?

Which Samuel Butlers am I to buy now? I have (in the order of which I have enjoyed them):

The Way of all Flesh
Alps and Sanctuaries
The Notebooks
Erewhon Revisited

The machinery part of the last-named bored me; the philosophy also; and I fear I missed much of the irony. But the style! It's unbeaten. It's as good as Defoe. It knocks Stevenson silly because it's so utterly natural. Hats off to that for style.

Should I enjoy The Humour of Homer, though knowing nothing or little about Homer? The Authoress of the Odyssey: would this be wasted on me? What is The Fair Haven about? I don't want to read Butler's religious views—all you Britons think and talk and write much too much about religion—nor his views on evolution: he is too much in sympathy, I gather, with that dishonest fellow, Darwin.

What shall I read of that same Darwin, so that I may do my own chuckling? Please name