Page:Thalaba the Destroyer 1809 Vol 1 - Southey.djvu/51

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I. 33

Silence ensued awhile,
Then Zeinab answer’d him;
“Blessed art thou, O Aswad! for the Lord,
“Who sav’d thy soul from Hell,
“Will call thee to him in his own good time.
“And would that when my heart
“Breath’d up the wish to die,
“Azrael might visit me!
“Then would I follow where my babes are gone,
“And join Hodeirah now!”

She ceas’d, and the rushing of wings
Was heard in the stillness of night,
And Azrael, the Death-Angel, stood before them.
His countenance was dark,
Solemn, but not severe,
It awed, but struck no terror to the heart.
“Zeinab, thy wish is heard!
“Aswad, thy hour is come!”
They fell upon the ground and blest the voice,
And Azrael from his sword
Let fall the drops of bitterness and death.