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"The novel is one of the very best of recent fictions, and the novelist is hereafter a person of rank and consideration in letters."—Hartford Courant.

"We cordially commend this delightful story as one of high purity of thought and expression, and at the same time of remarkable interest."—Boston Home Journal.

"We have read this book through at a single sitting, and so far as our judgment is worth, it may be pronounced the novel of the Season".—Petersburg Post.

"The story is one of mark, and let none of our readers who enjoy the truest artistic work overlook it."—Congregationalist.

"Is written with great dramatic power."—N. Y. Observer.

"Of absorbing interest, and is as unique in its style and its incidents as it is entertaining."—Worcester Spy.

"It creates a sensation among book readers."—Hartford Times.

"As yet none of our lady writers can be truly said to have earned the title of "The American George Eliot." If Mrs. Burnett's next work fulfills the promise of this, her first, she will deserve a still higher title."—Easton Express.

"It is a tale of English pit-life, and graphic, absorbing, irresistible, from first page to last."—Boston Commonwealth.

"It is a healthy, vigorous story, such as would find a warm welcome in any household."—Baltimore Bulletin.

"The character of Joan is a much nobler and more admirable one than we often find in fiction, and in drawing it Mrs. Burnett has achieved a success which gives her at once a high position among American novelists. The character of Sammy Craddock is one which reminds one of Dickens's best efforts in similar directions."—New Haven Palladium.

"Unlike most of the current works of fiction, this novel is a study. It cannot be sifted at a glance, nor fully understood at a single reading, so fruitful and comprehensive is its word and character painting."—Boston Post.

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