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Food.—Make sign for "eat" and add "different," or "things."

Bread.—Hold in front the left bent hand, thumb pointing outward; across the back of the fingers, draw back and forth the edge of the little finger of the right "B" hand. XVI, 303.

Butter.—Holding the open left hand with the end pointing upward, brush the end of the "H" hand downward against the palm of the left. XVI, 304.

Meat.—Grasp the fleshy part of the left hand between the thumb and forefinger, by the thumb and forefinger of the right hand. XVI, 305.

Gravy.—Grasp the fleshy part of the palm near the little finger of the left hand with the forefinger and thumb of the right hand and draw them away from the hand, letting them close when they drop away. XVI, 306. Or,

(2) Make a "spoon" with the right "C" hand and give it a slight twist as if dipping and emptying the spoon.

Potatoes.—Making a "fork" of the right fore and middle finger of the right hand, stick it against the left "S" hand. Some hold the left hand in position of "&." XVI, 307.

Salt.—Place the end of the right "H" hand against the lips; bring it away and down with a twist turning the palm side down and strike the end against the back end of the left "H" hand. XVI, 308.

Pepper.—Draw the forefinger of the right "G" hand from left to right across the right eyebrow; bring the hand out to the right and let it assume the position of the open "O" hand, then throw it toward the imaginary plate as you would a salt shaker.

Milk.—With the "S" hands make motion of milking.

Cream.—Making a "spoon" of the right "C" hand, make motion of "skimming" across the back or palm of the left open hand.

Cheese.—Place the fleshy parts of the hands, palm to palm, the right hand pointing to the left and the left to the right,