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(2) With the "&" hands together in front make motion of tearing a peach apart. Pear. — Grasp the left "&" hand in the fingers of the right and lightly draw the right hand off the left so it assumes the position of "&" when clear of the left; then make a "stem"' on the left hand by placing the forefinger of the right "G" hand against the end of the left " & " hand, which is not moved during the sign. Grape. — Against the back of the left "&" hand strike the ends of the fingers of the right bent "G" hand; repeat the motion several times, each time a little farther down on the left hand till the fingers of the right have passed the knuckles of the left. XVI, 319. Fruit. — Sign as in "grow" (push the right "&" hand up- ward through the left "0" hand); when through, quickly make left "&" hand and grasp it over the back with the fingers of the right and draw them down and off the entire length of the left hand. Strawberry. — Make sign for "red" (draw forefinger across lip) ; grasp the thumb of the left "A" hand from the back with the right hand so that the fingers of the right clasp those of the left and the end of the right thumb nail rests against the back of the knuckle of the left thumb, thus indicating the size of the berry. Currant. — Sign ' ' red ' ' same as above ; then grasp the little finger of the left "I" hand as above, only rest thumb against palm side of little finger. Banana. — Make motion of peeling the forefinger of the left "G" hand as if it were a banana, then sign "yellow," (give the right "Y" hand a twisting shake several times). Orange.— Holding the left " S " hand in front, place the end of the thumb of the right "Y" hand against the back of the left hand, and draw it across, downward, the width of the hand. Some add "yellow" as above. Others add "sweet" (see preceding pages). XVI, 320. Lemon. — Same as above, then add "sour" (see preceding' pages). Or, (2) Hold the "S" hand against the mouth as if it held a lemon and contract it as if squeezing a lemon. Watermelon.— "Thump" the back of the left "S" hand. Some add "green" (give a twisting shake to the right "G" hand).