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Light (that which throws beams). — Place the right "&" hand upon the thumb of the left "A" hand, then extend the right hand outward, opening the fingers to "5," and then spreading the hand out and around. Dark. — Draw the forefinger of the right "G" hand across the right eyebrow from left to right; then bringing the open hands, palm to self, up in front, pass the right before the face toward the left and the left similarly toward the right so thej< pass each other in front of the face. The first part of the sign, drawing finger over eyebrow, is usually omitted. XVIII, 346. Clouds. — Draw the forefinger across the eyebrow as above; then hold the " 5 " hands out in front elevated and encircle one with the other while they are moved about in front of the face. Water. — Strike the mouth several times with the right " W" hand (the forefinger against the mouth). XVIII, 347. Rain. — Sign for "water;" then bring the "5" hands elevated toward the side, fingers pointing out and palms down ; drop the hands, lifting and dropping them several times in succession, the fingers thus indicating the falling drops of rain. XVIII 348. Snow. — Make sign for ' ' white, ' ' thus : place open hand against the breast and draw it away, closing the fingers against it, so that when it is free of the body it is in position of "&;" then end with hands same as above in "rain," omitting ' ' water. ' ' Ice, Freeze. — Hold the "5" hands out, palms down; drop the hands downward a few inches rather forcibly, at the same time quickly bending the finger ends and stopping them rig- idly bent as the hands are brought to a stop. XVIII, 349. Lightning. — Hold the forefinger of the right "G" hand high, pointing upward, and then bring it down quickly zigzag through the air. Thunder. — Place the right forefinger to the ear, bring the "S" hands out to the front from the sides; jerk the right hand toward self and throw the left out toward the side, and then reverse the movement of the hands, repeating the motion sev- eral times. Earthquake. — Sign "earth" (see above) and finish with hands as in "thunder." Mountain. — Strike the back of the left "S" hand with the back of the right "S" hand; then extend the open hands,