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Figures 113 Find 50 Find fault 37 Fine 74 Fine (charge) 61 Finish 57 Fire 54, 112 Fish (v) 60 Fish 88, 95 First 83 Flag 112 Flirt 24 Flour 88 Flower 98 Fly 48 Fly (insect) 95 Follow 50 Food 46, 87 Fool (hoax) 43 Foolish 34 Foot 84 For 107 Foreman 66 Forenoon 80 Forever 82 Forget 35 Forgive 37 Fork Ill Fortitude 121 Found 62 Foundation 62 Fox 94 France 104 Free 28 Freeze 97 Friend 26 Frighten 30 Friday 84 Frog 94 From 107 Fruit 90 Full 68 Funny 27, 73 Future tense 16


Gallaudet, T. H 112 Gallaudet, E. M 112 Garden 99 Gathering 49 Gentile 121 Gentleman* 21 Gentleness 26 Geography 96 Germany 104 Get 45 Ghost 102 Girl 21 Give 45 Give up 59 Glistening 71 Globe 96 Gloomy 25 Glory 38 Go 45 Goat 92 God 100 Gold 99 Gone 78 Good 67 Good bye 32 Good enough 75 Goose 93 Gospel 121 Gossip 35 Govern 52 Governor 66 Grace (sanctifying) 121 Grace (actual) 121 Graduate 52 Grain 88 Grandfather 22 Grandmother 22 Grape 90 Grapevine 99 Grass 98 Gravy 87 Gray 77 Greece 104 Green 77 Grow 52 Gum 91


Habit 39 Hang 61 Happen 43, 51 Happy 24 Hard 68