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Love.—Press both hands over the heart, flat, one upon the other. IV, 43.

Hate.—Hold the open hands out toward left side, ends pointing up; push hands away and avert face as if pushing off some unpleasant object. IV, 44.

Like.—With the rest of the fingers closed, bring the thumb and forefinger up nearly touching the breast, then draw them away, bringing thumb and finger together as if the heart was being drawn out toward the object. The sign for "please" is also used to mean "like." IV, 45.

Dislike.—Extend the hands up partly at one side, with middle finger held back by the thumb, the other fingers extended and pointing outward; suddenly shoot off the middle finger as in shooting a marble or the game of crokinole. This sign is more for "despise." "Dislike" is also made by sign for "like" followed by "not." IV, 46.

Make love to.—Hold the closed hands, the middle joints of the fingers of one against those of the other, thumbs up, in position of "A" except that they are raised above the forefingers and bent from the middle joint; wiggle both thumbs up and down. This sign is also used to indicate the individual object of one's affections, followed by sex sign. IV, 47.

Fall in love.—With right hand in position of "V" but fingers pointed down, throw the two fingers against the palm of the left hand brought out to receive them, palm up, and then slide them along the length of the hand. The heart is sometimes touched with the middle finger first.

Flirt.—Extend out both "5" hands, palms down, and ends of thumbs meeting; wiggle the fingers with motion as in playing a piano.

Please, Pleasure, etc.—Rub the palm of the right hand over the heart with circular motion. IV, 48.

Happy, Delighted, Joy, etc.—Throw palm of the right hand against the heart several times with a patting motion. IV, 49.

Cheerful (as to countenance.)—Place ends of forefingers at corners of the mouth and draw out to represent the mouth