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carrying a burden. Some place the thumb in position of letter "A" against the lips instead of the forefinger. V, 83.

Pity (feel sorry for).—Draw the middle finger upward against the heart (feel), and then bring the open hand out extended toward the imaginary object of pity, making a kind of stroking or circular motion with the hand, as if giving comfort. V, 84.

Earnest, Zealous, Industrious (giving the idea of enthusiasm manifested toward object at hand).—Rub the open hands together in an enthusiastic way, a slow or rapid manner indicating the degree of earnestness. V, 85.

Scare, Frighten, etc.—Bring the "V" hands out to the front and side with ends of fingers and thumb held together; throw the hands toward the front of the body, and open them suddenly so the palms will strike flat and the ends of the hands come about together, and with wide-open eyes exhibit frightened look. V, 86.

Fear.—Throw the hands up as if warding off impending danger, and shrink back. V, 87.

Blush.—Draw the end of the forefinger down across the lower lip to indicate the red color; bring the hand with thumb closed against ends of fingers up to the side of the cheek, then holding it easily against the cheek suddenly throw out the thumb and fingers to indicate diffusion of color. V, 88.

Embarrassed, Bashful, Confused, etc.—Draw forefinger down over the lower lip to indicate color (red), then placing the hands one at the side of either cheek but away from them, push them upward in a shaky motion till the ends are on a level with the top of the head, indicating confusion.

Shame.—Place the backs of the fingers of one hand against the cheek; bend head slightly against them; draw the fingers up against the cheek, and straighten them with a motion of throwing the hand off toward the person shamed. To indicate self shame, place hands in same position, but draw the fingers against the cheek with a twisting motion, and do not let it leave the cheek, but draw the head back a little as if indicating a shamed feeling. To express "shame on you," the hand is thrown toward the person in an emphatic way while the eyes condemn. V. 89.

Warm.—Hold the bent hand up to the mouth as if to blow into it; with a slightly upward motion bring the hand away slowly and bring the fingers open, one by one.