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Letter.—Close right hand and extend thumb; wet the palm end of thumb on tongue and then throw it against the open left hand as if sticking on the stamp. (With end of thumb representing a stamp, wet on tongue and stick it on open left hand as on a letter). VII, 135.

Judge, Weigh a thing, Consider, etc.—Place end of finger in center of forehead as in "think," then with hands assuming "F" position, balance them on either side as if they were the two sides of a pair of scales. VII, 136.

Decide, Determine, Render judgment, Make up one's Mind, etc.—After balancing hands as in preceding sign, bring them to an abrupt stop exactly opposite. Or touch forehead with forefingers, then bring the extended "O" hands down quickly, opposite and on the same level.

Read.—Hold up the open left hand as the page of a book; point right "V" finger at the top and then move hand down as if following the page with the eyes.

Study.—Hold open left hand as the page of a book; point all fingers of right hand at it; push fingers toward and draw away several times the while they are worked with a vibrating motion. VII, 137.

Dunce.—Knock the joints of the fingers of right "A" hand against the forehead.

Don't.—Hold up the extended right hand, palm outward; with arm quiet give hand a vibrating motion from side to side several times.

Postpone, Put off, Procrastinate, etc.—Hold out extended "O" hand in front from side; lift slightly, push forward and bring down; repeat the motion several times. This sign may be made with both hands at the same time. VII, 138.

Begin, Commence, etc.—Extend left "H" hand palm slightly toward you; with a twisting or boring motion force forefinger of right "G" hand through the "H" between the two fingers. VII, 139.

Habit, "Mental slavery."—Forefinger at forehead as in "think," then bring "S" hands down, wrists one above the other, expressing the idea of the mind or will being bound. VII, 140.

Resemble, Look alike.—Make sign for "appear" and then bring forefingers of "G" hands down together, striking their sides one against the other as in "same."