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Evade, Get around, Avoid.—Holding the left "A" hand in front, thumb up, place the right "A" hand in similar position, behind it and nearer self; throw the right hand to one side and then the other, giving it a twisting motion from the wrist.

Dumfounded, Confused, At a loss.—Hold the "5" hands out pointing down, and then lower them a little with a jerk, bringing the body and hands somewhat rigid.

Exaggerate.—Push the forefinger of the right "G" hand upward across the forehead, straight up from the nose, the length of the finger; then bring down the "&" hand and let the end strike against the end of the left "&" hand pointing up; give both hands a turn, reversing their position, and drawing them apart now strike the right (which is now pointing up) with the left (which points down).

Bless.—Hold the "A" hands elevated in front, thumb to thumb, but not touching; gradually open the hands to "5," drawing them to the sides and downward a little. VII, 157.