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Note.—In general it may be laid down as a rule that the sign for an action should bear some resemblance to the natural movement.

Go, Leave present place, Depart.—Make motion with finger or hand away from the body. Also, hold left open hand in front, palm toward breast; rest right hand on back of left hand, remove, and motion outward. The latter is more correctly for "send."

Leave, Retire, Withdraw oneself.—Extend open hands, palms down, out toward the left side, one farther toward the left than the other, somewhat "tandem;" draw them back toward the right side of the body and a little up, bending the fingers down from the knuckles. VIII, 158.

Leave, Lie, Let alone, Neglect.—Hold the open hands out toward the left side, palms toward each other, left hand extended farther than the other; push the hands both forward toward the side (or front), and stop with a jerk.

Give.—Bring out hand, make motion as of taking up something, and give to imaginary person.

Get, Obtain.—Reach out left "S" hand and then make a grab upon the top of it with the right.

Receive, Get (by the speaker).—Make similar motion but at the same time draw hands toward you. VIII, 159.

Catch.—Same as for "get" but make the motion more quickly. To catch a ball, represent motion of catching.

Carry, Bear from one place to another.—Reach open hands, palms up, back beyond the right side, the right hand farther out than the left; imagine something having been put in the hands and carry it to the front of the body and beyond to the left side.

Bring, Convey toward oneself.—Reach out open hands, palms up, as if to receive something; then draw them back toward you.

Climb.—Imitate climbing with the hands, lifting one above the other on imaginary tree.

Drive.—Hold imaginary lines and imitate driving.