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atoms, bring hand back across and finally open both hands directly.

Burn, Fire, Indicating flames.—Hold out the bent hands, backs down, raise them alternately, working the fingers to represent the motion of the rising and falling flames. IX, 194.

Decrease, Gradually grow smaller.—Hold the open hands out, one down and the other quite a distance above it, palms facing; gradually draw the hands toward each other, giving them a bellows-like motion. IX, 195.

Borrow.—Make sign for "Give to me to keep."

Lend.—"Give you, keep."

Tease, Persecute.—Push fingers of right "A" hand over (lengthwise) the top of thumb in left "A" hand.

Seek, Look for.—Move "C" in front before the breast or face, describing a circle from right to left. IX, 196.

Collide, "Run up against it."—Hold the hands in front on opposite sides, the thumbs and middle fingers bent at the joint and held toward each other; bring the hands quickly together so that the fingers come violently together.

Struggle, Indicating trying to overcome obstacles.—Position of hands as they come together as above; then rub them across one way and then the other in effort to push each beyond the other.

Cry.—Place the ends of the forefingers on the face below the eyes and rub down as if tracing tears.

Cry out, Yell.—Place the "C" hand at the mouth as if receiving the sound; draw away the hand, continuing the motion as if drawing the sound out of the mouth.

Sign, To make signs.—Place the "G" hands in front, one higher than the other, pointing them upward at an angle of 45 degrees; move the upper hand from front to back and the lower from back to front, bringing each then to original position; the motion of both hands is similar to a braiding motion.

Sign (to sign a document).—Make sign for write, then slap the end of the open right hand down in one corner of the palm of the other in the place where the name is usually signed. IX, 197.

Stop.—Strike the upward turned palm of the left open hand with the lower edge of the right open hand. IX, 198.