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(2) Strike the back of the left fist with the fingers of the "H" hand bent almost double, striking the middle joint of the middle finger on the back of the fist. Note: The latter sign is often used in the sense of a "hard case," or a "hardened sinner," when made once and with con- siderable force. By touching the heart with the middle finger of the right open hand and then making sign for "hard" is indicated one without feeling, "hard hearted." Difficult (hard to perform). — Place the "S" hands one above the other ; then circle one around the other, moving both at the same time, the motion being outward and down (not from side to side). Make a show of some effort in moving the hands. XII, 239. Easy. — Hold out the left bent hand, fingers pointing toward the right and slightly up ; with the open right hand brush light- ly against the back of the fingers, carrying the right hand up- ward and beyond the ends of the fingers. XII, 240. Poor. — Holding the left arm over against the body in front, grasp the under part of the sleeve with the right hand and pull it down once or twice. XII, 241. Rich. — Place the "&" hand, back down, in the palm of the open left hand, as in the sign for "money;" (XXII, 396) lift and let fall again once or twice and then draw it up, opening the hand and separating the fingers somewhat, indicating "much money," as if letting money fall from right into left hand. Poor, Lean. — Place the thumb on one side of the face and the forefinger on the other; draw them downward and draw in the sides of the cheeks. Or, press ends of open hands against cheeks, downward and outward indicating hollowness of cheeks. Fat. — Hold the "5" hands, with fingers slightly bent in, one en either side of the face, and as you puff out the cheeks draw the hands away toward the sides. Bough (in sense of rude in manner). — Pass the ends of the fingers of "5" hand, bent, lengthwise across the open palm of the left hand, making the motion outward from the wrist to the end of the hand. Rough (as to its surface). — Holding hands at right angles, pass the end of the right hand across the back of the left, giving it a waving motion as if it were passing over a rough surface.