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before Thy Majesty; I adore Thee with the humiliations of Jesus Himself; I rejoice and am full of joy that the blessed Jesus offers up to Thee for me an infinite honour and worship.

Close your book, and continue to make in your heart several acts of joy at the thought that God should be thus infinitely honoured; and say again and again —

Yes, my God, I rejoice at the infinite honour which this Holy Sacrifice gives to Thy Majesty; I delight in it; I rejoice as much as I know how, as much as I can.

Be not anxious to bind yourself to these words, but follow the promptings of your own devotion, keeping yourself recollected and united to God. In this way, how fully will you pay your first debt!


2. In the second part, which is from the Gospel to the Elevation, you will pay the second debt. Cast a glance upon your many grievous sins, consider the immense debt you have contracted with the Divine justice, and say with a humble heart —

Behold, O my God, the traitor who has so often rebelled against Thee! Alas! with deepest sorrow I hate and detest my