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II. Have you taken God's name in vain? Sworn uselessly? Perjured yourself?

III. Have you neglected to hear Mass on Sundays and days of obligation? done unnecessary servile work on such days? broken the abstinence or fasts? neglected your Easter duty?

IV. Have you been disobedient or disrespectful to parents or superiors, or neglected to take proper care of those under your charge?

V. Have you quarrelled, fought? desired revenge, borne ill-will? neglected to give alms?

VI., IX. Have you sinned against holy purity in thought, word, or deed? or caused others to do so? Have you been guilty of gluttony or intemperance?

VII., X. Have you stolen, cheated? How much? Given away what was not your own? neglected to make restitution? For how long? Have you opened or read letters not belonging to you?

VIII. Have you detracted or calumniated? How many? What injury have you done? what compensation is due? Have you told lies? betrayed secrets?