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When the Priest desires to absolve a penitent, a salutary penance having been first enjoined upon him, and accepted by him, he says first —

May Almighty God have mercy on thee, forgive thee thy sins, and bring thee to life everlasting. Amen.

Then, with his hand raised towards the penitent, he says:

May the Almighty and merciful Lord grant thee pardon, absolution, and remission of all thy sins. Amen.

May our Lord Jesus Christ absolve thee; and I by his authority absolve thee from every bond of excommunication (suspension), and interdict, as far as I am able, and thou needest.

Then I absolve thee from thy sins, in the Name of the Father ✠, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

If the penitent be a lay person, the word “ suspension” is omitted.

May the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, the merits of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and of all the Saints, whatever good thou shalt do, or evil thou shalt sustain, be to thee for the remission of sins, for the increase of grace, and the reward of eternal life. Amen.