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Mother of my God and Saviour Jeans Christ; I most humbly beg the assistance of your prayers and intercession, that I may in such manner receive Him here, in this place of banishment, as to be brought one day to enjoy Him with you in our true country, there to praise Him and love Him for ever.

Before Receiving.

God, be merciful to me a sinner.

Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.

Cleanse my conscience and my thoughts, I beseech Thee, O God.

Set a watch before my mouth and guard the door of my lips.

O let not my heart be inclined to anything that is wrong.

To receive Communion, open the mouth, letting the tongue touch the inner side of the lip, and having received the Sacred Particle on the tongue, swallow it as soon as you can, to avoid all irreverent touching of the Sacred Host with the teeth or lips. Do not fix your eyes on the Priest or elsewhere, but occupy yourself with devout aspirations of the heart. Imagine that you receive the Sacred Host from the hands of Our Lady, or of Our Blessed Lord Himself.