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The Memento for the Living.

Lord Jesus Christ, who for me didst bear on Thy own shoulders Thy Cross; make me ardently to embrace the cross of mortification, and for the love of Thee to bear it daily after Thee. Amen.

The Priest holds his hands over the Chalice.

Lord Jesus Christ, who, in that miserable journey wherein Thou travelledst to Thy torture, didst so lovingly admonish the women that wept over Thee to mourn for themselves; give me grace to shed tears of repentance, that with them I may wash away my sins, and become acceptable to Thee. Amen.

The Priest makes the sign of the Cross over the Oblation.

Lord Jesus Christ, who wouldst for my sake be nailed on the Cross, and to the same didst fasten the handwriting of sin and death that was against me; transfix, I beseech Thee, my body with Thy holy fear, that firmly adhering to Thy precepts, I may for ever be fastened with Thee to Thy Cross. Amen.