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FRANCIS JOSEPH, by the mercy of God, and of the Apostolic See, Bishop of Boulogne , &c., to all the Faithful of our Diocese , Greeting and Benediction.

THE object and the motives of the establishment which we announce to you, my dear brethren, are contained In the short extract of the verbal process sent us by the General Assembly of the Clergy of France, held last year at Paris, and of which the tenour is as follows:

Wednesday, 17th July, 1765, at the half hour after 8 in the morning

His Lordship, the Archbishop and Duke of Rheims, President.

HIS Lordship, the Archbishop of Rheims, stated, that the Queen not being content with giving the most shining example of the tenderest and sincerest piety her soul was full of, was yet desirous to find the most effectual means to rouse and stir it up more and more through the whole kingdom; that her majesty desired him to inform the assembly how earnestly she wished to see the devotion to the sacred heart of Jesus, and a peculiar office in its honour, established in