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Congregation, as well as the exclusive right of publication from the proprietors of the original edition. On its completion, the translation was sent to Rome, and, after due examination, was declared faithful and authentic. We are able, in consequence, to offer to the Catholics of America a Raccolta which possesses the same value and authority as the original Italian edition.

What the editors desire most of all, in giving this work to the public, is to see it in common use among the faithful as a prayer-book. We are all bound to pray; and, according to the Apostle, to pray at all times. What a gain for us, if, by making use of the proper prayers, we add to their intrinsic merit the rich treasures of indulgences attached to them by the Sovereign Pontiffs! And if there are many among the faithful who often find it useful, or even necessary to have recourse to a prayer-book in order to help their devotion, will they not be acting more in accordance with the spirit of the Church, if they make use of the prayers which she has approved, and which she has enriched with indulgences?