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indulgences,” whether plenary or partial. This Raccolta is the most authentic and complete now published, both because it has been compiled under the direction of the Cardinal Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences, after having been duly revised by two of the Most Rev. Consultors, and is now published by order of his Holiness, Pope Pius IX.; and because it contains all the indulgences granted since the year 1865—which is the date of the Appendix to the last Raccolta—and many more not included in any previous collection.

It will be found that those indulgences have been here omitted, for the gaining of which it would be necessary to belong to some pious confraternity: this omission is due to the fact that we hope soon to publish a general collection of indulgences of all kinds. It may not be amiss to state, moreover, that, if many indulgences which are said to have been granted by our Holy Father, Pius IX., are not found in this collection, it is because they are worthless, the proper documents not having been exhibited in the Office of the Secretary of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences,—a formality required for the validity of such indulgences, according to a decree published Jan. 28, 1756.

The faithful are warned to beware of trusting too readily the indulgences which are printed on flying-sheets with such freedom, and circulated with still greater activity. Let them examine whether these indulgences bear the approbation of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, according to the